''what do you know about the development of Arabic        Morphology?"
         Arabic language is the main language that used by all of Arabic provinces and almost reach 20 million of Arabic language's speaker around the world. Previously, this language is pure and secure from any mistaken or addition when the time of Al-Quran was revealed. It is starting to assimilate when the entering of the Persian people in Arab people and Islam and many of them had an important position for instance in politic, military, teacher and religion expert. It was happened during the time of Abbasid caliph There is another race who are also caused the assimilation to an Arabic language like Indian,Grecian and etc.

         Consequently, it is appears the slang in Arabic language and became an apprehension between Arabian.This case got the intention from some of Arabic people especially scholars. They started to think the way on how to recover the Arabic language into it's original and pure form. From this time, it is appears several types of knowledge or "العلم" in Arabic word and one of them is Morphology. According to Syeikh Mustafa Al Ghuyalaini who is among of the earliest Muslim scholar, he said that The objective of this knowledge is to study the root word in purpose to know what is the form of word which used in Arabic literacy.

The earliest Arabic Morphology writers

          It has been mentioned in some memoirs that the among of earliest writer of Morphology is Nashir Bin Ashim (died on 89 H), Abdurrahman Bin Harmaz (died on 117H), Abu Ishak Al Hadromi (died on (117H) and Yahya Bin Ya'mar (died on 169H).

           From the different view, some scholars like Syekh Kholid, Sayuthi, Shiban and Syekh Ahmad Al Hamlawi said that Mua'adz Bin Mulim Al Harra (died 187H)  who are the first writer in Morphology.

           Abu Jaafar who was the ruler at that time (on the time of  Mua'adz Bin Mulim Al Harra) said "Mu'adz Bin Mulim Al Harra was the famous Syntax scholar and Morphology also". But at the same time he also mentioned to his citizens that this scholars was also the famous writer in Morphology  and the compiler of the word that suited with Arabic literacy method.

           It can be said that Mua'adz Bin Mulim Al Harra was the first compiler of  Morphology according to the strongest memoirs and many of scholars also supported this opinion.

Biodata of Mu'adz Bin Muslim Al Harra and his contribution

Name: Abu Muslim Mu'adz Ibn Muslim Al Harra'i

  • He was lived in Kufah which is one of the state in Iraq and learned the Arabic literacy from there with his partner, Al Ru'asi  and was spreading the knowledge of Syntax and Morphology through the doctrine of  Basrah in Kufah 
  • The first scholar who compiles the book about word arrangement (in Arabic word "تصريف")  for example:   كتب-يكتب-كتابة وهو كاتب          
  • He separated Morphology from syntax during the time of Sibawaih ( the author of 'الكتاب')

The earliest books of Arabic Morphology

  • (الكتاب (أفضل الكتاب في علم الصرف
  • الأمثلة التصريفية
  • شذا العرف في فن الصرف
  • الصرف التعليمي
  • أصول الصرف
  • (كتاب الكناس (الصرف في كتاب سيبويه
  • جمل الصرف
  • شرح المكودي
  • شرح التصريف

   from this link, the writer wrote the short story about the earliest compiler of Arabic Morphology and a lot of memoirs from the different scholars or Arabian who told the different view about who is the first compiler of it. So the writer try to conclude which one is the truth with looking for the majority of memoirs.

   This website briefing about the development of Arabic Morphology from the philologist and narrators perspective. The example of the opinion from the philologist:

         سيبويه: هو بناء ما لم تتلفّظ به ألسنة العرب، على مثال م نطقت به
Sibawaih said that Arabic Morphology is the arrangement of words that hasn't been spoken by Arabian.


    This website share about the basic books of Arabic Morphology for those who want to learn it from the beginning and this writer share about the important of learning this knowledge also. The writer has gave advice for those who want to start learning it, it's better with memorizing the                       "متن أمثلة التصريفية"  by Kiyai Ma'sum Bin Ali.


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